Hot Cat Fight- Miller Light Commercial

Well what do we have here? :P

The commercial's name caught my attention immediately so it interested me to watch it. "Funny Miller Light Commercial-Hot Cat Fight". My focus in advertising ads is going to be sexual appeal, mostly towards men, that are used in selling a product. Most commercials that appear on TV that are targeted towards adults mostly have sexual references or appeal. This commercial in particular mostly shows only about 5 seconds of the product at the beginning and at the end. The commercial starts with two clearly sexy women clothed as you can see. As the commercial continues on there's less and less clothing on the women. While watching the hot cat fight I completely forgot about what the product was. I was focused on who was winning and not what they were saying. The whole fight was mainly about what was the improvement on Miller Light. "Better Taste or Less Filling"....The music was suspenseful as to who was to win the fight. At the end the two men shown with the Miller Light talk about how thats what a commercial should be. The fact that Miller Light states this in their commercial makes me think that it doesn't matter what the product is as long as there's sexy women in it.



  1. What did you think about the look that the guys' female friends gave them when they said "Who wouldn't want to watch that?" Was that an attempt to redeem the ad - which is obviously sexist (no?) - in the eyes of female viewers?

    By the way, could you change the color of the text on your blog? It's a bit hard to read.

  2. wow that was really retarded. I think the look on the faces of the 2 women at the end were so on point "are you seriouse???"

  3. I think what they are trying to say is that miller is a good tasting and light beer even for women and at the same time trying to make sexy appeal to reach young men. Commercial tries to reach both young men and women but I think it goes little too far with the sexy appeal.

  4. After watching this ad, I have no interest to buy miller lite. "Better taste,less filling" that means nothing to me. I would rather watch a commercial that describes a beers taste and history. I know that Samuel Adams does a great job at presenting their beers history and taste. As for the women who were stripping, I see no purpose in their acting that would entice me to drink miller lite.


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